The other day when I was at the beach, on my trip in Port Dickson, I saw a couple taking wedding photographs. The couple were standing in the ankle deep water, posing with some guidance from the photographer, for the camera. I certainly think that it is a very beautiful sight.
Having your shots taken at the scenery or destination itself is much better than taking with a backdrop behind. Dont you think so? To me, using a backdrop is not “real”. Places like the beach, park and hills are inexpensive and the results are beautiful!
If you do not want the bridal studios to charge you so much for outdoor photography, try exploiting your own photographer. It can be someone you know, may it be your sister, brother or friends with great photography skills. I am sure they will charge cheaper or maybe some wont even charge! But it is always better to repay in some way if they would not accept money.
Well if you can afford, you can also fly off to elsewhere with your photographer and groom of course! You can opt for nearer places like Bali or Thailand, or further and more costly places like Europe, Japan or Taiwan. They have places that makes awesome background!

All in all, its entirely up to you. I will not choose fake backdrops over real sceneries unless i really really have to! What about you? Feel free to leave your comments or experience! 🙂