Joan Dee | Wedding Blog

The Vow – Part 2

The Proposal

The very first homework was to find the ring. After a long search, I was deciding between buying a ready made ring or to customise one. Well, I had finally decided on a custom-made proposal ring with our initials H&W on the monture. I love the word H&W. It represents not only Hann & Wen but also Husband & Wife; Happy Wedding…

At the point of time, she was doing her advanced studies in Melbourne. I popped over to surprise her during her tutorials. I succeed of course 😀

Everything went smoothly and I managed to get my ring sorted out before the trip. I succeed in pranking her in her campus and I had only wished the success level would continue till the end. My birthday fell on the first day of Easter Break (which was during the planned trip to Melbourne), we both made the effort to dressed up formally and booked a place for two at a fine-dining restaurant.
Here’s the best part:
The restaurant was fully booked (Yeap. Easter night!). We were ushered to a table next to a group of family of kids. It was noisy, really. I was sad and frustrated. There’s no window of opportunity for me to propose in such a noise level. It’s ruined. I was thinking to have it done another time.
I spotted an Easter bunny chocolate (the one in foils) on our table. So I tied the ring on bunny when she was away. That moment, I prayed and prayed so hard that she would notice the ring before the end of the dinner. Unfortunately, my prayers were not answered. We were done with our dinner and was about to leave.
At that point of desperation, I went crazy and handed over the bunny to her and said the four magic words. She didn’t hear me (thanks to the crowd). My face,neck and ear were flushing red. My voice was shaky.
It felt as if I’ve screwed up the proposal, and yet she humbly and tearfully said yes.
And of course, this “well-planned” proposal will always be a playful banter to me. She won’t stop teasing me, not anytime soon!