If you are a hands-on bride and want a personalised wedding, you should start figuring out what you would like to give away as wedding favors. It is usually a small gift given away as token as appreciation to guests for coming.
It is common for weddings in Malaysia to give out chocolates, candies, potpurries, as well as merchandises and pictures of the bride and the groom. Why don’t we innovate and give it a special touch? I’ve always thought that wedding favors would symbolize the thoughts and efforts poured into the wedding. There are so many things to think about, the moment the guy proposes. “When shall we have the wedding? Will it be in a hotel or in a restaurant? How many dresses should I have? What theme or decor would I want my wedding to have?”
With so many thoughts running wild in the bride’s mind, they tend to neglect the wedding favors. The one and only item that the guests would bring home with them, as a memorabilia.
Oh, don’t forget. Most of your guests are going to be instagramming the wedding favors so take this opportunity to get them excited.
Personally, I love handmade and crafty items. It doesn’t even have to be expensive! You can easily get those small little jars and bottles from Chinatown and fill it up with sweet little things. For example, you can fill a miniature glass bottle with vanilla essence with little cinnamon sticks insides.
Or you could simply buy bigger jars and just buy tonnes of salt and dump it in. Chances are, your guests will bring them home and use both the jar and salt in the kitchen.
If you have a budget surplus for wedding favors, miniature whiskeys would definitely score you some points with your guests. Don’t forget to encourage your guests to sober before driving home though!
Always remember that wedding favor will always be the only item that they will carry home with them. Make sure these little things are able to make not only a lasting impression, but also a memorable one!