Brain and Beauty

Contestant of the Miss Universe Malaysia 2014, Shangkharee Casiraghi is no alien to beauty pageants. Not only does she have 6 years of experience walking on stage in beautiful clothes, she is also in her 4th year of medical studies. We conducted an interview with her recently, to explore her world of actions and beautiful people.


What motivated you to participate in this pageant?

I have been following this pageant very closely after the revamp by Andrea Fonseka. As the winner flourished and took the international stage by storm, I had a little voice in me saying that ‘hey that could be you.’ This is a very big challenge because every year there is only one Miss Universe Malaysia and one Miss Universe. With my competitive nature, it only made sense that I strived to join this pageant. I was my own motivator and then came the support from my mother and best friends.

What are you doing right now? I understand that you are a medical student. Tell us more.

I am in my 4th year of medical studies in AUCMS and currently I’m doing my practical in Hospital Kulim. Medicine has always been my first love. I love being with people and trying to make their day a little better.

Are your parents supportive with the idea of you being a contestant in a beauty pageant?

I have been blessed with parents who think that their children should decide on what they would like to do. My parents have been very supportive in anything I do. This is my 4th beauty pageant and they have showed their undying love for all 4 pageants.

Have you had any similar experience prior to Miss Universe Malaysia pageant?

I started off in 2008 with two local beauty pageants. They were both held in September and I won both the titles. One of my judges saw potential in me and urged me to apply for Dewi Remaja. I came in as 2nd runner up for Dewi Remaja 2010 with Neelofa being the winner and Izara Aisyah as the 1st runner up. After almost 3 years of break, I’m finally ready to set foot into the pageantry world. I hope to do my best in Miss Universe Malaysia 2014.


What is your idea of beauty?

As cliché as it may sound, I do believe in being beautiful on the inside. Although there are many measures you can take to improve your physical appearance, no amount of make up can cover up a negative personality. When you are a positive person who embraces life and only wants to project love to everyone around, you are BEAUTIFUL. The skin may not grace time as well, but a beautiful person will only grow more radiant with time. There is beauty in everyone, you just need beautiful eyes to see it.

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I was told that you’ve lost 12kg within a short time. What would be your daily source of motivation?

Modern day beauty pageants, especially Miss Universe, pay a lot of emphasis on fit girls. Gone are the days when they fancied skinny girls who starved themselves just so they can look ‘beautiful’. A few years ago, I was under the impression that I too should starve. That didn’t take me anywhere and instead led me to a 18kg weight gain. Being a close follower of Miss Universe for the past few years, I awed when the girls paraded their 6 packs and ripped muscles instead of skin and bones down the runway. Our very own, Miss Universe Malaysia 2012, Kimberley Leggett was my inspiration as I saw her transforming right before my eyes, to become a more fit person.

The only thing that keeps me going on a low carbohydrate day or the gruelling workout sessions at the gym, is my burning desire to become Miss Universe Malaysia 2014. Let’s bring the crown home.


Who is your favorite celebrity and why?

I LOVE BEYONCE. I started off liking her ever since the existence of destiny’s child. Over the years she has grown personally and professionally. She is very approachable person. Although she is at the heights of her career and life, she has managed to stay grounded and rooted to her beliefs and principles. I like her because I think I resemble her a lot. She has thought me to always stay focused and aim for the best and nothing less. At the same time, always be a real person, and be down to earth.

Any beauty tips and suggestions for all the soon-to-be brides out there?

I hope that you ladies don’t get too stressed up over the wedding preparation. After all, nothing is as important as the love you will be sharing with you better half and the matrimony that will seal your love till eternity. I hope that the ladies will try to take some time to workout so that you can shed off some stress and look smashing in your wedding gowns. Eat clean (lean meat, vegetables and fruits) and avoid sugary and oily food for overall wellbeing and radiant skin. Make sure you have done a trial of your hair and make-up and see if it suits you (because we don’t want to have last minute bridezilla attack.. roarrrr!!)

Good luck ladies.