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What Do Your Wedding Vows Mean For Your Marriage?

The Marriage that Lasts

We all heard about how couples are married in their late teens and had a happy marriage. Yet, there are some that get married and it fails drastically or vice versa. We also heard about other’s experiences whether it’s a marriage that lasts or divorce.And there are couples who had their solemn vow on their second or third marriage and some who finally found their person the first time around. Each of us has our own story.

But do you remember your vow?

“In the name of God, I, ______, take you, ______, to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.”

You both then exchange wedding rings.

Each sentences, each words play their own role. It has its own meaning, in fact has it ever cross your mind the fact that there are meaning behind these classic vows. You found your significant other that loves you, encourages you, loyal and in all honesty. And you took the vow.

For better, for worse

Couples vowed to love each other for better or worse during their wedding day. It means that you don’t just love someone on their good days. You accept them for better or worse. Whether it’s right or wrong, you brave through the storms together as one. It is no longer a magical fairyland of flowers or glass shoes. Because when you think you’ve made it, life toss you another obstacle. This is when the part for better, for worse you hold on to your marriage.

For richer, for poorer

Money is a sensitive topic in marriage or in family. For instance, when one is a spendthrift and another is someone who plan ahead with money. It may led to many explosive fights. But what you need to know in marriage, it is who you decided to marry and what matters is definitely not money. It is how you, as a couple motivate each other and find success. Wealth is not defined by your partner’s bank account, in fact it is the quality of the person you decide you spend the rest of your life with. Wealth is the foundation of love you build with your partner.

In sickness and health

No matter how hard the road it might be, when the person you decided to spend your life together with tumbles down. You are there to support your life partner. There might be many setbacks in life, and there are moments you realize how weak you can be. But as long as you are each other’s life support, your weakness will become strength. All you have to do is to play the role and hold your loved one as hard as you can. A strong marriage rarely has two strong people at the same time. It is a husband and wife who take turns being strong for each other in the moment of weakness.

Nevertheless, marriage is no longer a fairytale, in fact it is keeping the romance in spark and compromising each other. It might not be easy, but couples should never forget why they fell in love in the first place. And they didn’t come this far, to get this far. Love and marriage requires a lot of effort and forgiveness.After all, it is what you believe in the person than the vows and promises because love is everything it’s cracked up to be.

Cherish it. Dive into it. Love unconditionally with a marriage that lasts.

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What Do Your Wedding Vows Mean For Your Marriage? was last modified: May 1st, 2024 by Valerie Tan