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6 Signs That You Might Finally Be In A Healthy Relationship

healthy relationships

Relationships are never easy. However, there is a huge difference between going through a rough patch and being in an unhealthy/abusive relationship, though many might not realize this due to portrayals of relationships in mainstream media. But when you find a partner who helps you blossom and encourages your growth, you might have found a keeper. Here are some signs to help you identify if you’ve finally found yourself in a healthy relationship.

1. You are free to live outside of the relationship

Being in a relationship does not mean that every part of your life should only be dedicated towards the relationship. In a healthy relationship, you and your significant other should have the space to lead your own lives. This includes having your own friends and doing activities that do not include your significant other. Sure it’s great to be with your significant other, but it’s also important to have your own identity outside of the relationship. Many couples find that they eventually lose their sense of self in the relationship, which ends up building resentment and causing problems later on.

2. Mutual trust and respect is prevalent in the relationship

A healthy relationship is built on mutual trust and respect. What does this mean? You respect one another’s opinions in the relationship and do not degrade or nitpick one another for their flaws. You work to bring your significant other up instead of trying to win a superiority competition. You trust that your significant other is loyal and faithful, and do not doubt that they might be doing things that they shouldn’t behind your back. This not only gives you and your significant other a foundation of support in all endeavours but will also give you less anxiety and will not breed any mistrust within the relationship.

3. You share responsibilities equally

It’s 2018! Gender roles have been smashed and dismantled. Women are no longer expected to be the homemakers and men the breadwinners. A healthy relationship works because responsibilities are shared equally. It doesn’t have to be the big things, just simple things like if they cook, you wash the dishes, going dutch while on dates and so on. Trust me, the shared responsibilities will make the both of you happier and less stressed. It will also be less likely to build resentment within the relationship.

4. Neither of you feel like you’re settling

This is another important one. Nobody is perfect, and I’m sure that every single one of you has a list of boxes that have to be ticked to find your perfect companion. Find someone who meets all your basic criteria and ensure that you check all the boxes for your significant other too. One way to ensure a solid and stable relationship is to make sure that neither one of you feel like you are settling. This way, neither one of you will ever feel inferior or lacking, and can also help to boost your partner’s confidence.

5. Conflicts are settled and overcame together

No relationship is perfect. If anything, they require a lot of hard work to make it work. In every relationship, conflicts are bound to arise. However, how the both of you settle these conflicts is an indicator towards the health of your relationship. In a healthy relationship, there would be no dragging up the past, or bringing down or degrading your partner and vice versa. The two of you work instead to overcome these conflicts together in a healthier manner which could even result in your relationship with one another becoming stronger than ever.

6. You are free to be who you are around them

A healthy relationship would encourage you to be who you are, and also provide a safe space for you to express yourself. Not only are you able to let your guard down and relax, you are also able to just enjoy letting your true self, show. Your partner will be able to accept you, flaws and all, but will also give you the encouragement you need in order to change and be a better person.

All in all, the most important thing is that the both of you are happy in the relationship. A healthy relationship is a balanced one, with neither party being too dependent or having more power than the other. It is based on mutual trust and respect, and lots of love and encouragement. If you’re now in a healthy relationship, congratulations! The wedding bells are ringing and it might be time for your relationship to move on to the next step.

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6 Signs That You Might Finally Be In A Healthy Relationship was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by YiShuen