Our Wedding Journal

Preparing a Wedding Speech

No matter which wedding it is, a Western-styled or a Chinese traditional one, it is part of the ceremony to have the lucky couple, as well as their parents, to give a speech before the toast. While some will have no problem conjuring a dramatic piece right on the spot, most of us will need some preparation for our best appearance, and no parent would want to be the embarrassment on their children’s wedding day.

So, here are some guidelines for those who didn’t know where to start to prepare for the wedding speech:

Make a List

This list here would include the following—stories, anecdotes, special moments which you would like to share with the audience. By writing them down, you will be able to organize each story/ special moment retelling in a proper manner, and cross out those that are deemed too personal or inappropriate for the occasion.

Write a Draft

After sorting out the stories draft them into a proper arrangement, speech style—complete with an introduction, a thanking note or grateful note, an anecdote, the toast and the closing end.  Prepare the draft at least a week or 2 before the actual day, and prepare extra copies if you are afraid of misplacing them.

Practice Your Speech

Once the draft is perfected into a complete piece, it is time for practice. If you know you nervous in front of a crowd, start practicing as early as possible to get yourself familiarize with the content. Practice it with an audience (your friend(s) or spouse), who can give you feedback on where to correct/brush up.

Make Notes

Even when you’re well prepared, the overwhelming feeling on the big day may still make you nervous. Notes, point cards might come in handy in case you forgot a sentence or two.

Be Prepared

Be mentally prepared. Take a deep breath. Relax. But if you know you cannot stomach alcohol, do not take any before the speech. Nothing is worse than a drunken wedding speech made by the bride, the groom, or the parents.


Preparing a Wedding Speech was last modified: May 1st, 2024 by Petrina Goh