Our Wedding Journal

Marriage Myths Debunked

People might think that a great couple with a happy marriage is a work of magic. Well, it definitely is not. It’s not a miracle. It takes a lot of work and effort; from both sides. Although they wish it takes a love potion and love spells to make it work that long, sadly we don’t have that kind of thing here. (But we do have a place where you can have a second or third honeymoon.) Don’t get us wrong. Marriage is a blissful journey. You have the love of your life to share the rest of your life with you. What more can you ask for? But apart from that, the roller coaster of the journey is worth everything you fight for. It’s just, what you see in movies and in those romantic comedies? Their lines are arranged. Their actions are according to the scripts. Most of the things you hear about marriage that does not require work are just myths. Marriage myths are real. They are real and they need to be revealed.


Marriage Myths #1: Your spouse should be your best friend

We often read on Twitter and Facebook that your partner should be your best of friend. That you could tell everything and anything. That could finish each other’s sentences. Well darn, we want that too. But sadly, that does not apply to every marriage and couple. Sure, it’s good to have a partner that’s your best friend and lover at the same time. But if the foundation of your relationship doesn’t start from being best friends, then don’t force him or her to be your best friend.

Looking at your partner as your best friend more than a lover means setting up a higher level of expectation. You’ll expect more of your partner to be your best friend. And if they don’t, you’ll feel as if he or she don’t understand you. Your partner’s role is not to be your best friend. His or her role is to be your guide, your partner and the love of your life. If you have your best friend as your partner, then that’s good for you! But don’t force your partner to be your best friend. It doesn’t usually work that way. See him or her as your lover, your companion. Then happily ever after might come into your direction.

Marriage Myths #2: Married couples don’t argue

The funny thing is, the secret to a happier marriage is to have disagreements. Funny right? To think that those who fight a lot doesn’t have the slightest chance at having a happy marriage is absurd. Well, it’s true. Not the part of constantly having a fight. Disagreements are good. They help couples to build their marriage. Because they’ll understand more of each other about what they want and what they don’t.

Arguments means they talk about their problems. But what led to a fallout is when the couples don’t reconcile. The arguments don’t destroy a relationship. It’s the ego that destroys them. Want to know the secret of happier marriage? Pick a fight (adorable ones) and it’s the makeup part (hint hint) that will make your marriage a happy one.

Marriage Myths #3: Children are marriage band-aid

Children are blessings. They are a gift from God. They are a blessing to a marriage. But to make them as your band aid is wrong. Don’t make your child to bring you and your partner closer. This is the marriage myths that we constantly hear. If you choose to have a child to bring you and your partner closer, you will only feel disappointed when the child you have brings you further. Your child will only feel burdened if they knew. If your marriage is falling out, but your child brings it back together, then that’s a good news for you. But to have a child to heal your marriage will put a huge burden on your child’s shoulder. Your marriage is your responsibility. Don’t make it your child’s.

Marriage Myths #4: Mr. or Mrs. Right is absolutely right

The one thing we want to advise is, your idea of Mr. or Mrs. Right might not be right after all. They might be wrong for you. And the one you thought is wrong for you, might be the right one for you. This idea of Mr. and Mrs. Right is just an unrealistic expectation. They led people to unrealistic expectations. What if the one you thought so wrong for you is most definitely the right one for you? And you let him go?

Marriage Myths #5: Marriage means less love making

Okay, we are not getting kinky here. But it’s true. No, no, not the less love making part. It’s true that people believe in this marriage myth. But hey people, marriage actually mean more love making session. If you know what we mean. Marriage actually meant more sex because first, you might want to try to have a baby. Second, you are spending the rest of your life together as a married couple. Third, you will just feel like it. It’s true! Stop hearing those people saying such things. If you feel like your marriage is something you’ll want to treasure for the rest of your life, you will not think of anything negative related to marriage.


Marriage Myths Debunked was last modified: June 16th, 2016 by Wedding.com.my