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Food you should avoid during pregnancy

Getting pregnant is a gift. Therefore one should put more effort to take extra care during pregnancy, especially if it is the first child. There are many precautions and laws one has to adhere to during this period. Some may be some general safety measures, while others may be different according to one religion and superstitious belief. Though each creed may differ, there are common foods which a pregnant woman should not consume.

Raw eggs, meat and seafood

Some salad dressings, homemade ice cream, mayonnaise and dishes are made using raw eggs. Raw food contains a type of bacteria called the salmonella. It causes food poisoning. Though it is unlikely to harm your baby, diarrhea would definitely wear you down.  Only eat eggs, meat and seafood when they are fully cooked.

Processed meat

Process food especially those meaty ones such as sausages, burgers and canned luncheon meat can be really harmful to your baby. It might be contaminated with listeria, a kind of flu-like illness that can cause miscarriage or stillbirth.

Certain fishes

Though fish are filled with nutrients, some are best eaten less or not eat at all. Oily fish are good but a pregnant woman should not consume too much. Fish that are oily might contain pollutants such as dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Sardines, Trout, Fresh Tuna (canned not included) and Mackerel are some examples of oily fish.

There are some fish which one should avoid altogether such as shark, swordfish, raw shellfish and marlin. These fish contain a high level of mercury which can damage the baby’s nervous system development. During pregnancy, limit your fish intake to no more than two servings per week.

Alcohol and smoking

Alcohol and smoking brings more harm than good especially towards pregnant woman. Heavy drinking and the smoke can affect the baby in many ways. Most of the baby deformation or problematic cases happened because of these reasons.


Caffeine affects the absorbency of iron in your daily meals, which is an important nutrient during pregnancy. High level of caffeine can result a premature baby or miscarriage. Caffeine exists usually in coffee, tea and chocolate. Even soft drinks and energy drinks can contain caffeine. Check the label before you consume. Do not take more than 200mg of caffeine a day.


Food you should avoid during pregnancy was last modified: May 1st, 2024 by Petrina Goh