Our Wedding Journal

Groom-to-be, take note! How To Choose an Engagement Ring: 4Cs and Beyond

Learn about cut, colour, clarity and carat weight when choosing the perfect proposal ring!

 The Love Diamond by Suen Jewellers

The Cut

Cut—the precise shape and positioning of a diamond’s facets—is the most important factor in determining the stone’s beauty. Many diamond cutters choose to place the size of the diamond above its potential beauty, sacrificing the ideal balance of brilliance, dispersion and scintillation.

The Clarity

Clarity measures the flawlessness of a diamond and correlates directly to its value. A stone is said to be flawless if, under 10-power magnification, no internal flaws (clouds, feathers, pinpoints) or external imperfections (scratches, pits, nicks) are visible. Absolutely flawless diamonds are exceedingly rare.  Gem-grade diamonds are given a clarity rating based on a scale that is standard in the trade.


The ideal engagement diamond is clear to the point of being colourless. The laboratory experts determine the color of each diamond by comparing it to authenticated “master” diamonds. Each stone is then color-graded to a precise scale from “D” (colorless) to “Z” (saturated). Optimum diamonds of “I” level (near colorless) or lower.

Carat Weight

“Carat” denotes the weight of a diamond. One carat equals 0.20 grams. Most jewellers like Tifanny & Co. measures diamonds to 1/1000th of a carat. Taken by itself, carat weight does not determine a diamond’s value. For example, two one-carat stones can vary widely in price when clarity, color, cut and presence are taken into consideration.

(Information courtesy of Tiffany & Co.)


Groom-to-be, take note! How To Choose an Engagement Ring: 4Cs and Beyond was last modified: May 2nd, 2024 by Petrina Goh