Our Wedding Journal

Have Yourself a Special Eco Friendly Wedding


Eco friendly had been a trendy thing nowadays, eco friendly products were also known as green products like organic foods, hybrid cars, and et cetera. Why not plan an eco friendly wedding for yourself? It is more than just a style, it is also a positive statement as well as a fashionable one.

Why an Eco Friendly Wedding?

Planning an eco friendly wedding doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your ideal wedding. By planning a green wedding for yourself would essentially take into consideration the environment and the social impact that your wedding has on the environment. You would be setting a good example for guests who may not have a clue as to what is going on in the world of environmental. The main idea is that a eco friendly wedding stands against waste and harming the mother earth.

Eco Friendly Wedding Ideas

Eco friendly wedding is about planning your wedding with everything in eco friendly form. From venue to dishes, everything should be in green form.

Venue – Traditionally, the place for wedding dinner like hotel ballrooms and fancy resorts had use loads of electricity, water and other typically not-so-earth-friendly products in order to put on ultra-glamorous affairs. Why not have your wedding held at outdoor? Venues like lakeside, farm, and botanic garden are some fancy ideas. While these venue did offer modern conveniences, like sinks and toilets, whereby you do not need to sacrifice your comfort.

Catering – Food is something that cannot be missed in wedding, but there will be animals who are slaughtered for meat. And, non-organic fruits and veggies may be treated with pesticides that can harm the earth and farm workers. Thinking of how your wedding dishes can be green? Firstly, look for a caterer who uses locally grown food. If bought directly from growers, food needs less time in the fridge and less packaging to stay fresh.  And since the food is delivering from a shorter distance, less fuel is needed to transport it.

Decoration – “Being eco friendly is about reusing”. You can design everything by using recycle stuff – use recycle canned as candleholder, use organic-dyed materials like flax and linen for tablecloth, fake flowers, and et cetera. Recycle stuff can be as fashionable as glamorous stuff.

Wedding dress – Your wedding dress should have a second life. That’s why your mom preserved her wedding dress for a reason. It may not be your style, but you can find a seamstress to make it right. But if you prefer to wear a brand-new dress, try to find a designer who uses sustainable fabrics created by nature – and not a factory. For the bridesmaid and groom, let them wear the clothes they already own.

Invitation card/ Menu – Reduce the paper you use for invitations. You can replace the traditional invitation card with postcard. While you can make 2 to 3 menus per table instead of one per person during the dinner.

Let’s go green and invite the earth to be your wedding special guest. You can find more ideas and even enjoy consultation service in wedding.com.my.


Have Yourself a Special Eco Friendly Wedding was last modified: May 1st, 2024 by Wedding.com.my