Our Wedding Journal

Bridesmaid 101 – Things NOT To Say To A Bride

Are You Sure About This? And 4 Other Things a Bridesmaid Should Not Say To a Bride Walking the Aisle

By Sabrina Rica

As the bridesmaid, you can definitely congratulate yourself for assisting the bride in shopping for the perfect dress and matching shoes. You’ve spent months with the bride since day one in organizing this big day from the guest list to the bachelorette party but before your job as a bridesmaid is over, you have one more vital task – leading the bride down the aisle! In that few minutes, you are like her personal cheerleader giving her the final uplifting confidence boost she needs. Plus, you can make her feel like the most magical being in the universe at that very moment. To help make sure you don’t mess up, here’s a list of things NOT TO SAY  to the bride before you walk her down.

Maybe you feel like she’s making a mistake and your logical reasoning is kicking in but just as she’s about to say “I do” you might want to leave out asking her; is she ready for marriage? Is he the right one? If the shoes are too tight? Or, if the make-up is too thick? Instead of adding extra pressure on her, just make her feel at ease and make sure she’s smiling. It’s her big day after all.

Yes, chances are she’s as nervous as a little child getting a measles shot but you don’t have to point out the fact and make her extra nervous. She’s probably having 304,745 butterflies in her tummy at the moment, so just give her the reassurance that everything is under control and that you have her back.

I’m sure the bride’s mind is cluttered as your office desk on a Monday morning but instead of making her nervous, make her smile. Talk about those exciting moments, bring back those sweet memories you both shared or of her and the groom or even hilarious inside jokes. This will make her laugh and lose the pressure and after all, a happy bride has to be smiling.

We know you’re excited to snap selfies and post it on Instagram but chances are the tension of the wedding is crazy and you need to be focused. So, it’s advisable to keep your phone on silent and be alert. Concentrate on being there for the bride as the reason you were elected as the bridesmaid. This is because the bride puts her trust in you and you to be the person next to her. After all, photos of the wedding can be obtained through the wedding photographer, right?

Save the shots for the after-party. Once she’s uttered “I do” and everyone is happily dancing, that’s when you can calmly gulp down as many shots as you want but nothing before the “I do”. I mean, you have to walk down the aisle straight, right?


Bridesmaid 101 – Things NOT To Say To A Bride was last modified: May 2nd, 2024 by Stephanie