Our Wedding Journal

5 Ways to Have An Affordable Wedding

Getting all the discounted items and services for your wedding is not the only way to save your pockets but planning too, determines the amount that you need to spend on your wedding. We’ve compiled a few ways for soon-to-be brides and grooms to look into to plan an affordable wedding!

1. Know The Guests

In the process of deciding who to invite, many couples are often faced by a problematic situation where their parents insist on inviting their classmates of class 1951 to your wedding. If you know them personally, then you can consider to invite them but if you have never even seen them before, it’s best to just tell mom and dad that you won’t be inviting their friends. More guests equals to more expenses so make good decisions for your guests list.

2. Help Over Gifts

Tell your friends to skip the presents and instead, help you out on your wedding day! Whether it is to set up the venue or even cooking for the wedding lunch, it would save up a lot of your money and save the fuss for your friends to think of what wedding gifts to buy. It is a win-win situation!

3. Outdoor VS Indoor

Now, outdoor weddings definitely does not cost as much as indoor weddings but that too depends on the decorations and other miscellaneous items. For indoor weddings, a lot of decoration is needed to avoid the venue from being too plain and dull compared to outdoor weddings where nature and the beautiful view compensates for the simpler decorations.

4. Lessen the Flowers

Instead of having individual hand bouquets for each bridesmaid, a hand corsage is much more affordable. Besides, the flowers will wilt by the end of the wedding and it would be so painful to think of disposing your money into the trashcan. Also, skip the floral center pieces on the tables so that not only do you save your money but also allow everyone to communicate with each other easily without a huge vase blocking their view.

5. Offer Sincere Testimonials

Talk to your vendors and offer them a deal where you give them a sincere and positive testimonial on their site in exchange for a lower price of the service by the vendors. Some vendors need these testimonials to establish a form of trust from potential clients who wants to know more about them. Not only did you save that few thousand bucks from having this bargain with your wedding vendors, you also get to do a good deed by helping these vendors gain a good reputation.

These are some of the few ways to have an affordable wedding and can be done during the planning period. It is also advisable to have a shorter planning time because time eats up a lot of money. For more affordable wedding ideas and inspirations, click HERE to view all there is to offer for your wedding!


5 Ways to Have An Affordable Wedding was last modified: May 2nd, 2024 by Rebecca Lee