Our Wedding Journal

4 Tips on Balancing Out Your Marriage and Career

It never seems easy to make a balance in life, especially between your career and marriage.

They all play a crucially important role in our life but how can one balance it all at once? Although we don’t have the answer to that quite yet, here are 4 tips that you can incorporate into your life in order to balance out your marriage and career.

Openly talk about your goals

In marriage, it’s important to put pen to paper and note down the goals of your life. Openly talk with your significant other whether it’s about career, marriage or family goals. There will be days that are tougher than you ever think, but It’s crucial to set goals together so that both of you can work towards something as a couple.

Syncing schedules or have a night out

When it comes to remembering dates and times, we might not be the best. But syncing your calendars with your spouse is totally a game changer. It allows you to keep track of the dates that both of you want to hold down on the calendar. Once you managed to schedule it all, you can carve out date nights so that you can both focus on each other even after marriage.


Separate business with family time

It’s important to separate business with family time because it’s the only time for you to catch up as a family. Especially when you have a child, you would want to tuck your phone away. Because when your child sees you on phone, they will want to be on the phone too. So why not make a no phone rule policy while you’re spending your valuable time with your family.

Go for a vacation

If time allows, you can go for a vacation every three months as a family, whether it is going to be out of the country or local staycation. Because whenever you’re away from you, you’re bound to learn something new about your family, but also create meaningful moments together.

Through it all, it is possible to pursue your dream career while building your marriage and nurturing your child. It might not be as easy as it seems, but it definitely will be the most rewarding and memorable thing you’ve ever achieved.

If you’ve any tips on how to balance out your marriage and career, leave a comment below! Or read our articles on marriage.

4 Tips on Balancing Out Your Marriage and Career was last modified: May 2nd, 2024 by Valerie Tan